4 ways to be more money savvy in 2021

4 ways to be more money savvy in 2021

The start of a new year is a chance to reset, develop a budget and cut back on unnecessary expenses. Remember, every little bit counts and small actions can make a big difference over time. Here are four simple ways you can help your business be more financially savvy this year.

Switch to save

Power down non-essential lights, appliances and machinery after hours

Did you know on average, computer workstations make up the biggest non-essential energy drain in the everyday office? It can cost up to $45 a year to run a single computer system 24 hours a day.1 Set automatic timers to ensure non-essential lights, appliances and machinery are powered down at the end of the day.

Use passive energy-saving measures

Are you keeping cool? Invest in double-pane windows, as they act as better insulators, saving costs on air-conditioning and heating. Likewise, installing blackout curtains on north and east-facing windows can help minimise heat intrusion on warmer days. Investing in energy-efficient upgrades such as solar water heating can save energy and thermostats can cut climate control costs by learning your temperature control preferences and gauging your building’s energy profile to automatically adjust temperature.

Short and succinct meetings

Unnecessary meetings are a productivity killer and can set you back in billable hours and salary costs. Research suggests problems ensue when meetings run without regard to their impact on both group and individual work time.2 Keep meetings succinct and costs at a minimum by limiting headcount to essential attendees.

Go green

Switch to energy-saving lightbulbs

Not only will going green reduce your environmental impact and support your corporate and social responsibility goals, but something as simple as switching to LED lightbulbs can save both energy and money. Plus, they last up to 25% longer.3

Recycle printing and toner cartridges

Another way to do good for the earth while saving money is to recycle printing and toner cartridges. Winc’s IT Asset Disposal Program is a great way to dispose of printer cartridges and old technology safely, securely and ethically. We’ll value your old IT assets and as a thank you, issue you a credit you can put towards your next technology purchase.

Save big on the necessities

Taking advantage of discounted prices and sale items is another easy way to cut down on unnecessary spending. Our Winc Back to Work sale offers great deals on more than 100 workplace essentials such as stationery, kitchen and hygiene products. Shop smart today to set your team up for a new working year and get ready to unleash the productivity.

4 ways to be more money savvy in 2021
4 ways to be more money savvy in 2021


1Switchboard In A Box, 2018, ‘Energy Consumption at Work: Leaving Your Monitors on Costs Money’ <https://www.makeitcheaper.com.au/blog/energy-consumption-at-work-leaving-your-monitors-on>

2Perlow, L.A., Hadley, C.N., Eun, E., 2017, ‘Stop the Meeting Madness’, <https://hbr.org/2017/07/stop-the-meeting-madness>

3Wise Marketer Staff, 2021, ‘Cost Cutting Measures You Should Implement in Your Small Business’, <https://thewisemarketer.com/retail/cost-cutting-measures-you-should-implement-in-your-small-business/>