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5 cleaning and hygiene tips for early learning centres

5 cleaning and hygiene tips for early learning centres

5 cleaning and hygiene tips for early learning centres Cleaning and hygiene practices in early learning centres should always be top of mind. With many children entering care services when their immune systems are still developing, vulnerability to common illnesses can be higher.1 Under the National Regulations and the National Quality Standards, providers and educators [...]
4 cleaning and hygiene tips for schools

4 cleaning and hygiene tips for schools

4 cleaning and hygiene tips for schools Cleaning and hygiene practices are an integral part of maintaining a safe school environment for students and teachers. Here are four ways to engage best cleaning practices for your school during the pandemic. Limit use of shared objects Use of shared objects such as gym equipment, art supplies [...]
Set your students up for the future of work

Set your students up for the future of work

As featured in the ASCA Smart School Purchasing News – Term 4 2019 – Spring Issue. Are your primary and secondary students prepared for the future of work? With the school year coming to an end, it’s time to start preparing for 2020 – but is your school set up for 2030? ASCA asked Rob [...]