Blog Archives

Five Common Mistakes Made in Continence Management

Five Common Mistakes Made in Continence Management Continence issues is one of the most common reasons why people are admitted to residential aged care. As we acknowledge World Continence Week (15-22 June), we spoke to Karen Newby, senior clinical advisor at Asaleo Care and continence nurse advisor. Karen shares the most common mistakes made in [...]
Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality

Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality – Jo Cleary shares her tips

Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality – Jo Cleary shares her tips While the fight against COVID-19 advances, we continue to rely on the dedicated employees who work in hospitals, emergency services and healthcare sectors. We reached out to Jo Cleary who works in hospitality in the aged care sector. Jo is the CEO of Dining [...]