Blog Archives

Are jet air dryers blowing your good hygiene practices?

Are jet air dryers blowing your good hygiene practices? In a time when hand hygiene is at the forefront of keeping safe in the workplace, we spoke to the experts at Kimberly Clark Professional about why single-use paper hand towels are the most effective, and most hygienic, hand-drying solution1. Is there a hygiene issue with [...]
Is your hand sanitiser effective? Three important things to watch out for.

Is your hand sanitiser effective? Three important things to watch out for

Is your hand sanitiser effective? Three important things to watch out for. One essential we’re all relying on during COVID-19 to help keep our workplaces safe is hand sanitiser. Hand sanitisers contain antiseptic ingredients which work to kill microorganisms on the surface of the skin. But with news reports of dodgy products making their way [...]

Have you bought a fake mask? Here’s how to find out

Have you bought a fake mask? Here’s how to find out. Due to COVID-19, there has been increased demand globally for protective face masks. Alarmingly, this demand has caused a heightened supply and distribution of counterfeit masks. Counterfeit masks may look similar to authentic masks but are poor in quality and don’t provide adequate protection. [...]

Five Common Mistakes Made in Continence Management

Five Common Mistakes Made in Continence Management Continence issues is one of the most common reasons why people are admitted to residential aged care. As we acknowledge World Continence Week (15-22 June), we spoke to Karen Newby, senior clinical advisor at Asaleo Care and continence nurse advisor. Karen shares the most common mistakes made in [...]
How To Manage A Virtual Classroom During COVID-19

Teaching secrets revealed: How To Manage A Virtual Classroom During COVID-19

Teaching Secrets Revealed: How To Manage A Virtual Classroom During COVID-19 “Remote learning isn't quite what I expected. I assumed that delivering lessons online would mean a lot more time to focus on planning. In reality, remote learning is very time-consuming." Schools across the country temporarily closed their doors due to COVID-19. Many schools have [...]
Managing Influenza outbreaks in children

COVID-19 and the flu – how to manage infection spread in schools

COVID-19 and the flu – how to manage infection spread in schools As we continue to manage the coronavirus outbreak, the flu season approaches. Some researchers suggest that overall flu cases in Australia may decrease this year due to restrictions and earlier measures. Others argue that the country is more vulnerable than ever and that [...]
How the government is helping businesses during the COVID-19 emergency

How the government is helping businesses during the COVID-19 emergency

How the government is helping businesses during the COVID-19 emergency As of Monday, 18 May 2020 At Winc, we understand the obstacles your business may be facing in light of COVID-19 and accompanying changes to the ways we live and work. As we learn to navigate these challenges together, we will continue to support you [...]
Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality

Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality – Jo Cleary shares her tips

Preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in hospitality – Jo Cleary shares her tips While the fight against COVID-19 advances, we continue to rely on the dedicated employees who work in hospitals, emergency services and healthcare sectors. We reached out to Jo Cleary who works in hospitality in the aged care sector. Jo is the CEO of Dining [...]
Creating Healthy and Safe Workplaces

Creating healthy and safe workplaces

Creating healthy and safe workplaces Did you know that in any workplace employers have a duty to provide a working environment that is safe and without risks to the health of employees? This includes taking the necessary steps to manage the health and safety risks associated with the Coronavirus. Firstly, as an employer, you must [...]
Five ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus infection

Five ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus infection

Five ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus infection With new cases of the Coronavirus being detected daily, there is growing consensus among the world’s leading infectious disease experts, that the pathogen is readily transmitted between people, like influenza. In the last three weeks, the number of diagnosed cases has gone from 50 in one [...]