5 steps to a more collaborative workplace

As organisations become more dynamic and cross-functional, businesses that want enhance productivity and efficiency must create an environment that allows teams to collaborate more effectively. We spoke to Allan Ryan, Founder and Executive Director at Hargraves Institute, to share five steps to a more collaborative workplace.

Create a collaborative communication culture

“The standards we build when working together shape workplace culture, which is reinforced in our daily encounters. It is critical that organisations focus on re-establishing social connections between teams, and that leaders create the conditions for everyone thrive in the workplace,” says Allan.

Failure to establish the right culture may be stifling your organisation’s growth. One study found that businesses with highly collaborative cultures are five times more likely to be top performers1. Make informational and social resources more accessible and transparent by leveraging technology and physical space.

Reduce email buildup

“Email is a great communication tool, but it may also impede your team’s productivity when it comes to effectively collaborating on projects and completing tasks,” says Allan.

According to research, digging through an inbox of unanswered emails or processing incoming multiple Microsoft Teams communications is one of the most irritating aspects of working remotely, with 38% admitting that ’email fatigue’ is likely to prompt their resignation2. Prevent miscommunication and scheduling issues by deploying workplace project management tools to streamline processes.

Encourage solo or concentrated work

“Workplaces need to attract employees by providing flexible and collaborative workspaces and facilities, and recognise that one size does not fit all, therefore each workstation must be adapted to many working styles,” explains Allan.

Team members that work well together on projects also need time to focus solely on their responsibilities, allowing for less distractions and more opportunities for individual productivity.

Make brief collaborative meetings the norm

One study revealed nearly a third (30%) of office workers believe some meetings are unnecessary or irrelevant to them. Unnecessary meetings that could have been avoided with an email or a chat message can have a substantial influence on employee productivity3.

Allan says, “Creating a collaborative environment and implementing workplace solutions helps organisations save time and avoid meeting overload.”

Minimise digital fatigue

“Reduce computer time and instead encourage face-to-face collaboration to guarantee that team members feel professionally and socially engaged. Meeting rooms, collaborative places, and even the workplace kitchen might help build connections in this situation,” says Allan.

When interacting with others in a shared area, many people benefit from exposure to variety and external stimuli. This can also lead to improved decision-making and creative brainstorming between team members.

Winc has everything you need to connect and collaborate effectively. Inspire more workplace collaboration by browsing our range of workplace essentials online.

Allan Ryan
Founder and Executive Director at Hargraves Institute


1Haiken, 2021, ‘How office furniture can improve productivity in the workplace’, <https://www.haiken.com/insights/how-office-furniture-can-improve-productivity-in-the-workplace>

2Forbes, 2021, ‘Survey Finds Email Fatigue Could Lead 38% Of Workers To Quit Their Jobs’, <https://www.forbes.com/sites/edwardsegal/2021/04/21/survey-finds-email-fatigue-could-lead-38-of-workers-to-quit-their-jobs/?sh=30a4178525d9>

3Atlassian, 2021, ‘How to create a collaborative culture, <https://www.atlassian.com/work-management/project-collaboration/collaborative-culture>