Do you have a pile of messy and unorganised books? Want an elegant but fun solution? Introducing the Elizabeth Richards® plastic book tub - the perfect storage solution to add a pop of colour and organisation to any classroom, library, kids' bedroom, or playroom. Built strong and durable, this tub is designed to last. The high back of the tub accommodates taller books and folders, making it versatile and practical.pAvailable in bright and bold colours that match all reading levels from levelled reader programs, this tub is sure to brighten up any space./ppNarrowest point measurement (Taken from inside the tub and indicates the maximum number of resources that may fit into the tub): 10 cm W x 26.7 cm D x 19cm H./ppWidest point measurement (Taken from the outside of the tub at the widest points and indicates how many tubs may fit on your shelves): 14.5cm W x 30cm D x 19cm H/p